
Can A Lawyer Help Me File For Supplemental Security Income (SSI)?

Yes, an attorney can assist you with your application  for Supplemental Security Income (SSI). However, unlike when applying for SSD, the attorney cannot do your initial application online.

The reason why Social Security does not allow applicants to file their SSI application online is because before they review your disabilities and analyze your case from a disability standpoint, they determine whether you meet their financial criteria.

For this reason, most attorneys will require that if you are not eligible for SSD, that you apply for SSI on your own before they begin working on your case for you. The reason being, if you do not meet the criteria financially for SSI, there is nothing that your lawyer can do for you. You hire an attorney to assist you in proving to Social Security that you are disabled. If you do not meet the financial component, then Social Security never actually analyzes your case from a medical point of view.

If you intend on filing for Social Security disability benefits then I recommend you contact a lawyer in your area that is experienced in handling Social Security cases. They will inform you what their policy is on assisting with SSI applications if that is what you are applying for.

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